Hello! Yes, I feel very excited about sending out a greeting. Perhaps I spent too much time on my own these past several days. Perhaps? Okay, fine, I obviously did. Further evidenced by this arguing of my multiple personalities.
Right, back to the blog post.
I’m adding a new semi-regular blog topic: The Stoner Report
It will highlight certain stones that I’ve picked up over the years, some that are simply pretty, some that I use in more magical ways. To kick this off I’m starting with a pretty one. Oh, so pretty…
This is a rutilated smoky quartz, I believe. The inclusions at the bottom strongly resemble reeds in a marsh and the flaw (or whatever the proper term is for the plane of visible crystal) about a third down from the top can resemble a dragonfly hovering over the reeds. The piece has been cut and polished from its natural state and is about 4 inches high.
Magically it would be easy to work with this piece for connecting with or working with some aspect of marshes, the quiet, the life-filled land, liminal boundaries, fecundity. I haven’t worked with it magically as of this time but I have it in my living room window and look at it on a very regular, enjoyable basis.
This Stoner Report has been brought to you in part by the wonderful selecting abilities of Stone Haven Gems, which is where I purchased it.
~Abysmal Witch