By city decree the storage room created by the previous owners of my apartment must be turned back into attic space. This was not the most fun thing on the planet. It did make for some good pictures at the end, though.
First came the getting rid of things. Purge, baby, purge. Not in my nature, but I’ve done well. Then came the day of good friends and much workness.
We got the old icky insulation bagged up.
I rather liked this action shot:
It all fit in the elevator, too:
Really, it could have been much worse. That’s what I need to remember. 😉
And then there was the end of work and enjoying the endness of it. Must record these moments for posterity.
And now the big reveal. Here is the attic-that-was-previously-a-storage-room. Just imagine how much stuff I could have (and did have!) in there. I am proud to say that my apartment looks essentially unchanged by the absorption of that which didn’t get given or tossed away. We are nearing the end of the saga. Just need to have the inspection and then it is all done. Yay?